We are an innovative startup committed to the principles of the circular economy.
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PlantaRei is sustainable innovation.
PlantaRei Biotech, despite its status as an innovative startup, has a team that combines the enthusiasm, belief, and energy of the youngest, the experience of the seniors, and a network of collaborations with the most important Italian universities, customers, and entrepreneurs, sincerely and loyally dedicated to an enterprise that looks to the common good and not just to profit.
We value the work of nature.
Evolution has provided nature with a millions-of-years advantage to find solutions to the problems that man is facing. We want to value this advantage by fully preserving its fruits and managing them wisely: "biosolutions" exploiting the potential of enzymes, cell cultures and other biological means, can replace traditional products in various sectors, contributing significantly to reducing environmental and climate impact, in line with biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. They represent a key factor in the green transition, which promotes the climate resilience of our communities.
We work on each product with the aim of introducing new solutions, harmonizing continuous improvement with increasing environmental responsibility.
We design biosolutions, which are based on the principles of nature. They trace a natural path to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable and more ecological future.
We are driven by a great passion that makes everyday work a mission for life. But we also know the importance of wisely managing time for ourselves, our families, and our friends.
Our thought
The plant world at the center
Yes, indeed: plants are extraordinarily more evolved than we generally think, and it is only because of a myopic, if not sometimes blind, reading of the power of the plant world that we are led to believe that the innate superiority of the animal world is indisputable.
From an anthropocentric perspective to a one health vision.
Humans represent just 0.01% of terrestrial biomass, but we have now modified 75% of terrestrial ecosystems and 66% of marine ecosystems. A reflection, or rather a profound rethinking, is due. Throughout the 20th century, economic thought has pursued a kind of utopia: the realization of a human world completely detached and independent from Nature, a vision that has implicitly allowed a continuous and growing, systematic and free (because widely available) withdrawal of resources from the natural world in full coherence with the linear economy paradigm made up of a simple but deceptive phrase "take, use and throw away".
“In the economic sphere, the environmental crisis of recent decades has been systematically ignored. This is where the One Health approach becomes crucial: recognizing our dependence on natural resources and our belonging to nature is essential to ensure that economic development, both in the short and long term, is truly sustainable.”
Bibliography: L’Italia e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile - Rapporto ASviS 2021
To explore the topic of the circular economy: Ellen MacArthur Foundation The big food redesign: Regenerating nature with the circular economy (2021)